Indian seafarers released after 40 days of captivity

Source: Medallion Marine, operators of MT SP Brussels, has reported that the five crew members (Indian seafarers) who were taken from the vessel by armed men off the Niger Delta in December have been released. Confirming the release in an e-mailed statement to Sagar Sandesh, the shipping company said that all the five seafarers are believed to be in good health after their ordeal. Medallion Marine has also expressed their admiration for the crew and their families who have shown great courage and fortitude throughout this very difficult situation, the statement said. Following medical examinations, the crew members have now been flown home in order to be reunited with their families. On Dec. 16, 2012 five Indian seafarers who were on board the mercantile vessel SP BRUSSELS, belonging to the German company Medallion Reederei GmbH, were abducted by the sea pirates in Nigeria. Second Officer...