Port of Melbourne Welcomes Largest Container Capacity Ship to Dock in Melbourne

The Port of Melbourne (PoM) on 25 June 2020 welcomed CMA CGM Ural, the largest container ship by maximum capacity to call at the port. The 299-metre long vessel is one of six currently deployed on the South-East Asia - Australia trade route called the ‘AAX1’. It commenced its 42-day round-trip in Malaysia, calling at Singapore. It then made its way around Australia’s south-west coast and arrived into Melbourne’s Webb Dock for handling by terminal operator Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT). Named after the Ural mountain range that runs from north to south through western Russia, the vessel can carry up to 10,662 TEU (Twenty foot equivalent unit), with containers stacked up to 12 high on-deck. Compared to the 4,500 TEU carried by the average container ship currently calling at PoM, this is a significant increase in load carrying capacity. The CMA CGM Ural will spend 44 hours in Melbourne before departing for Sydney and Brisbane. Brendan Bourke, CEO Port of ...