Port Wings Editorial: Apple Import Restrictions Put India in the Dock in WTO

Source: http://www.portwings.in/editorial/apple-import-restrictions-put-india-in-the-dock-in-wto/ Port Wings, October 28, 2015 As anticipated, members in the World Trade Organization put Government of India in the dock on the latter’s decision to restrict import of apples to only one port against a dozen located on West Coast as well as in East Coast of the sprawling country. Even though the Indian representative successfully defended the move by banking on the very statute meant for global trade, where there is no ban on restricting movement of any goods to only one port of the WTO member country, the defence may be satisfying to the others at WTO but relatively failed to bring cheer among the importers back home. India also defended the move by saying that the measure does not fall within the definition of an import licensing measure under the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures and thus is not fit for discussion under the WTO Committee. However,...