Port Wings Editorial: Modi needs a better economic advisor

Source: http://www.portwings.in/editorial/modi-needs-a-better-economic-advisor/ Editorial in Port Wings, April 15, 2015: While the Prime Minister Narendra Modi exuding great confidence among the countrymen at every available forum, be it a corporate-sponsored meetings or through his Mann Ki Baat, that the mess created by previous governments in New Delhi will be cleared and indeed a new era will dawn soon, his chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanian, the US-based thinker roped in by Sudhesi-loving BJP Government, speaks exactly opposite to his views . Recently, Subramanian was in Chennai and where he emphatically said that the big bang reforms are frankly not applicable to a country like India as there was multiple veto centres, multiple decision making centres and was very difficult to pass through a decisive change. Though Narendra Modi, after being elected to lead the world’s largest democracy about a year ago, announced that his government will walk the talk o...