Port Wings Editorial: EXIM sector deserves better deal in this budget

Source: http://www.portwings.in/editorial/editorial-exim-sector-deserves-better-deal-in-this-budget/ Exports and imports, shortly known as EXIM, are the two yardsticks, which could be taken into account while deciding on the financial condition of any economy. For a country like India, which is surrounded by sea on three sides and chances for sea-borne cargo movement both locally as well as internationally remains high, EXIM sector never receives the advantage it ought to get in nation-building. Even though the top honchos from the Exim sector persistently demanded the Government of India to give more importance to the sector time and again, it had never materialized in the last six decades of independence. For countries in European Union, Exim sector plays a pivotal role in harnessing economic growth. According to the chieftains of those countries in Europe, the sector, which gives them an opportunity to develop their economies without disturbing the nature, has t...