Unshackle major ports to compete with private ports

Source:http://www.portwings.in/editorial/unshackle-major-ports-to-compete-with-private-ports/ Edit piece in Port Wings latest issue: There are 12 major ports including Kamarajar Port (erstwhile Ennore Port), India’s first corporate port registered under Companies Act, 1956. All of them are controlled by Tariff Authority of Major Ports (TAMP) who regulate all tariffs, both vessel related and cargo related, and rates for lease of properties in respect of Major Port Trusts and the private operators located therein. On the other hand, our country has over 180 minor ports, which are oflate re-christened as non-major ports. Presently, major ports account for 58 per cent of total cargo, while non-major ports are handling 42 per cent. In 2000-01, non-major ports handled just 10 per cent of total cargo. However, scenario has changed in last one decade. The growth shows that non-major ports have grown exponentially over the years and the major ports have failed to garner m...