New salary scale for port & dock workers

Source: Bringing a happy end to the marathon wage negotiations between the Bipartite Wage Negotiation Committee (BWNC) comprising five major Federations of Port and Dock Workers’ Federation and the Indian Ports Association since July last year , both the parties on Oct. 25 signed the new wage settlement that would heave a sigh of relief for 50, 000-odd port and dock workers working in 12 Major Ports. The deal was signed in New Delhi by the stakeholders (representatives of five federations affiliated to INTUC, HMS, CITU and AITUC) in the presence of Mr. B. K. Sanwariya, Chief Labour Commissioner (Central). According to Shipping Ministry sources, the five-year wage settlement (from 1-1-2012 to 31-12-2016) would come into force with immediate effect . The agreement will be implemented immediately and the arrears (from 1-1-2012 to till date) will be paid within...