NGO gives city pullers a three-wheeled push
Pub on Monday April 7 2008 11:59 IST (IE) CHENNAI: A Chennai-based NGO is giving city pullers a new push with its unique three-wheeler cart scheme. The novel idea, which has been developed by the Assam-based Centre for Rural Development (CRD), will help fishermen living in Royapuram, Kalmandapam, Tondiarpet, Kasimedu and Korukkupet. Under this scheme, which is based on the concept of asset-based loan, the beneficiaries would be given three-wheeler carts on rent for a period of seven months. "Cyclerickshaws are losing business to the overcharging autorickshaws. The Rickshaw Bank Scheme introduced by the NGO has helped them a bit but there is still plenty to be done. The new scheme fills the blanks. The scheme will address a lot of issues. It will also help improve their income through assetbased entrepreneurship development," said Ilayaraja, coordinator of the Chennai branch. The daily repayment scheme, which will be a one-window repayment system, will also provide social sec...